Where to hang Cardinal Bird Feeder?

Where to hang Cardinal Bird Feeder?

Without a doubt, cardinals are a wonderful addition to any garden. This is specially true during the winter wherein you get to see a strong contrast of their red color with the white snow.
There are few other tricks to help know the perfect spot for your cardinal bird feeder:
Natural Places. Cardinals do not nest in nesting boxes like near thick trees or shrubs. Seeing thick greens will provide them the illusion that they are in their usual habitat in the forest. Hang your feeder on a tree or install a pole near a forested area.
Bushes. A trick you can do when your yard is nowhere near a forest is to put plants together and install the pole right in the middle of it. It creates an illusion of thick bush and will attract cardinals to come over easily.
Free of Chemicals. Place your cardinal from areas you normally use pesticides or herbicides on. Deadly poisons for plants are deadly to cardinals too. This is especially because some of the most functional cardinal feeders are open feeders.
Readmore: https://birdingdepot.com/best-bird-feeders-for-cardinals/


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